Updated Periodically

What does it look like now?

Updated 07-25-2024 
Scheduled Excursions:  
*** All Time slots Are 1st Come 1st Serve.
Time slots are marked as Booked (When airfare and funds are secured) They are considered Available. Additional or outside the listed time frames are possible but will need to be discussed as additional costs will be necessary.

September-October 2014 Colliano, Praia a Mare Rome, Vatican City, Naples, Sorrento, Almifi-Coast, Florence, Milan, Venice
March 2015 Colliano, Rome, Vatican City, Naples, Sorrento, Milan, Venice
October 2015 Colliano, Rome, Milan
March 2016 Colliano, Naples, Almifi-Coast, Capri, Milan
September-October 2016 Colliano, Rome, Vatican City, Ischia

March 2017 Colliano, Rome, Tuscany
September-October 2017 Naples, Milan, Ischia
March 2018 Colliano, Naples, Rome, Vatican City
October 2018 Rome, Naples, Colliano
March 2022 Colliano
October 2022 Rome, Naples, Procida, Colliano
March 2023 Rome, Vatican City, Colliano, Naples
October 2023 Zurich, Turin, Bologna, Perugia, Parma, Riggio, Naples, Colliano
March 2024 Rome, Vatican City, Naples, Colliano
August/September 2024  Rome, Naples, Cross Country  (Possible Please Email ASAP )
December/January 2024-25 (Booked) Perugia, Parma, San Marino, Modena, Colliano

March-Early April-May  2025 (* Available (7 Reach Outs))
September-October-November 2025 (* Available (3 Reach Outs))
December 2025 (**Very  Limited **)
*Available - Available until commitment is finalized and funds are secured.
*Booked - Received confirmation, Airfare Secured, Trip Scheduled
*Limited with Restrictions Need to email for Availability Due to Holiday

Other dates can be available depending on the timing
**** Email Address for Inquires jjdc113@gmail.com (Please put ITALY INQUIRY on the subject line) ****